One of the best ways of getting real criticism from your audience is to создать опрос online. It is difficult to learn more about the target audience’s “pains” and interests without surveys.
Survey title
It ought to arouse curiosity, challenge, or intrigue. On the main page, it is essential to show what anticipates the client toward the end: a gift, a discount, a selection of useful materials, and so forth In addition, it is essential to provide the user with time guidance by displaying the number of questions and minutes required to finish the quiz.
A proper headline might look like this: Within three minutes, you can determine your skin type. For passing the test, we provide a sample of the cream.
Proper questions & answers
A quiz must be interesting, straightforward, and logical in order to increase conversions. 3-10 inquiries written in the client’s language will get the job done. Address without being formal and also unfamiliar. If at all possible, ask the simplest questions first.
If the quiz requires the correct answer, they are made public. If you provide explanations and brief, interesting information, that’s fantastic. You can likewise put local promotions in reactions.
Ultimate result
On the first page, expectations are formed by the user. You can offer to leave contact information for a more precise calculation if it was promised to calculate the cost of repairs. If the quiz was about a score, make funny choices for people who got low scores—it will be more fun to share this result.
If there are a lot of incorrect responses, you can post a few articles from your website that will help you learn more about the survey topic. To determine which question causes respondents to stop taking the survey, use step-by-step statistics. Make adjustments and analyze the reasons.