When your teeth do not have enough room to grow, they will grow in abnormal positions as they compete for growing space with your other teeth. While dental crowding has become a major orthodontic concern, there are many treatment solutions available such as Invisalign and dental braces. Various factors can result in dental crowding like when you have a small jaw and large teeth, have too many or extra teeth, have large teeth and cannot fit comfortably in your jaw, have a narrow palate, and when you have a missing or broken tooth and the adjacent teeth begins to shift to a different position. In this article, we will look at the different treatments performed by a crowded teeth specialist.
Clear aligners
The most recommended treatment for dental crowding is the use of clear aligners. This is because they are very effective and involve non-surgical techniques accompanied by few health risks. Clear aligners are also hardly noticeable to the naked eye, making them appear similar to your natural teeth. Clear aligner treatments can last up to 12 months but produce faster treatment outcomes. They also require fewer dental appointments, making them the perfect dental solutions if you have a busy work schedule. Aligners are customized to allow for a perfect fit over your teeth and help properly align your crooked teeth. Another notable advantage of using clear aligners is that they are easily removable, making them more convenient and less restrictive than dental braces.
Dental braces
Crowded teeth can also be treated by dental braces, which have proven very effective in straightening crooked teeth. However, there are some downsides to using dental braces, such as being difficult to clean, can cause white stains or spots on your enamel, and resulting in tooth decay and gum disease.
For mild cases of crowded teeth, your healthcare provider will prescribe you with retainers to help restore proper alignment of your teeth. Your teeth can sometimes rearrange themselves back to their original positions, but retainers help accelerate this process and provide even teeth alignment results. For satisfactory results, you are advised to wear your retainer as recommended by your dentist.
Tooth extraction
Tooth extraction procedures are usually recommended for severe cases of crowded teeth. During these procedures, your practitioner will have to extract some of your teeth that are not required for proper oral health. If you need a tooth extraction, your doctor may refer you to a qualified dental expert or oral surgeon who will help with the extraction process. After the procedure and you have completely healed, your doctor will now guide your teeth into proper alignment to alleviate dental crowding.
Dental veneers
Dental veneers are usually recommended for mild cases of crowded teeth. They work by altering the aesthetics of your tooth to allow for a perfect fit and a more appealing smile. The only downside with veneers is that it requires removing some part of your enamel before installation.
Generally, cases of crowded teeth tend to worsen with advancing age. While the effect varies from one patient to another, untreated crowded teeth can result in further oral health problems as you become old. The treatments for crowded teeth also depend on several factors, including; the severity of the condition, your overall health, and age. Some of the available treatments for crowded teeth are clear aligners, veneers and braces. Mild cases of crowded teeth can be treated within eight months, and more severe cases can take up to two years.