Certain dental treatments are ideal for improving oral health, and you can consult a dentist to find the right treatments which meet your needs. Dr. Anna Munné Houston offers dental treatments customized to meet your needs as they diagnose oral health issues and offer the right remedy. For instance, they may recommend dental implants for lost teeth over temporary dentures. Additionally, they would recommend teeth whitening for discolored teeth or veneers for severe discoloration and crookedness. They use digital imaging and recent innovations to deal with oral issues. Here are the dental treatments which can improve your oral health.
Bone Grafts
Bone grafts are ideal for people who have lost teeth and are experiencing receding jaw bones. The teeth’s roots stimulate the jawbone, thus preventing the loss of bone mass on the jawline. The jaw loses bone mass without stimulation, resulting in an asymmetrical face. Bone grafts restore the lost bone, allowing a dentist to conduct a dental implant procedure.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are made of artificial roots and crowns that resemble your teeth. Your dentist should customize the dental implants to look like the rest of the teeth on the arch by using porcelain clay with the same texture and color as the teeth. The artificial root stimulates the jaw bone preventing bone loss and the distortion of the face shape. The dental implants fill the space left by lost teeth and prevent crookedness which occurs when the teeth on the arch move. Although the implants might be expensive, they are ideal for restoring lost bone mass on the jawline and filling the lost teeth’ space.
Crowns are a solution for cavities as they are artificial additions to the enamel to prevent further damage. They are made of metal alloys or porcelain clay and fill the cavities left by bacterial or acidic damage. The dentist will scrape a few layers of the enamel on the area affected by the cavity and disinfect the teeth. Then they use the crown material to fill the layers scraped and those damaged by the cavities.
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy treats oral issues such as gum problems. The dentist uses high-energy beams which cut off the excess soft tissues in the mouth, preventing inflammation and pain. Laser therapy aids dentists during soft tissue surgery to treat gum disease.
Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom teeth extraction is necessary when you don’t have enough room in your mouth to accommodate the growing teeth. The wisdom teeth might impact the rest of the teeth on the arch if they lack space in the mouth resulting in dental crookedness. You may extract the impacted wisdom teeth and wear braces to correct dental crookedness.
Dental procedures and treatments can improve the appearance of the teeth and treat oral health issues. Cosmetic teeth whitening and veneers can correct severe teeth discoloration and deal with other blemishes. Although dental treatments such as veneers are considered cosmetic, they improve crooked teeth and prevent chipping and other oral problems. On the other hand, dental implants fill the space left by lost teeth preventing bone loss at the jawline and tooth crookedness. Dental laser therapy is ideal for conducting minimally invasive soft tissue grafts to treat gum disease.