There is a lot of confusion regarding the SCIP database and this blog will help you clear your doubts.
SCIP is a part of the European Union waste management framework. The European Chemical Agency has a database that is used to store the data about the safe-use companies of very high concern. The Enviropass SCIP database has three goals:
1. Decrease the waste that contains hazardous substances.
2. Improve the manufacturer of the products so that the products can be easily disposed of.
3. Monitoring of SVHC use in the substance so that actions can be taken at any stage.
What are the pieces of information you need to submit to the SCIP database?
The companies must present the SCIP database with data that shows that it is safe to dispose of. The information that should present is:
1. Make the information, viz., location, name, and contact detail of the candidate clear.
2. Submit the correct identification of the article.
3. Provide any kind of information that one needs to establish that the article is safe.
How often should the SCIP database need to get updated?
The SCIP database needs to get updated at least once a year. Furthermore, if there is any kind of change in the article or object, it must be informed to the SCIP database.
Where can you submit the information to the SCIP database?
There is a tool named ECHA IT Tool, you need to submit all the information about the article to get it updated on the SCIP database.
What are the consequences of not submitting the information to the ECHA portal?
If a company will not submit the information in the ECHA portal, it will not get uploaded to the SCIP portal. And the company will face fines and penalties.
Who is responsible for SCIP?
The European Chemical Agency is responsible for SCIP.
Wrapping up
The companies must comply with the rules and regulations and submit the information to the SCIP database. It ensures that there is no harmful substance that contributes to the environment. If you want to learn more about SCIP, there are institutions that will help you in submitting the information.
All that the company needs to do is contact an agency dealing with the submission to the SCIP database and their work will be done.