Are you suffering from insufficient bone density in the upper premolars or molars and need a dental implant procedure? Dental implants require a minimum depth and width of the bone for successful placement and enhanced function. As such, Encino sinus lift procedures are well-tailored to restore bone density to your upper jaw. This is done by raising the maxillary sinus away from the bone and filling the space with bone graft material. Many reasons can warrant a sinus lift, including;
- You need a Dental Implant
Successful dental implant placement requires a healthy jawbone. When a tooth is lost from the upper back region of your jaw, the bone in that region experiences resorption, and the sinus extends downwards. Ideally, your jaw needs to be 4-6 mm thick to anchor the titanium post that holds the prosthetic. However, if your sinus already covers a major part of your jaw, it has to be lifted to accommodate the bone graft.
- You have severe gum disease
Periodontal disease is a major dental concern that leads to deteriorating born health. The disease is so severe that it never stops until treatment is administered. Severe periodontitis can lead to tooth loss, decay, and even extraction. Even though it is possible to have all your teeth relatively healthy, periodontitis can cause your sinus to extend downwards, warranting a sinus lift.
- You lost a tooth
Your oral cavity is interconnected and relies on the full functioning of each member. If you have a few teeth missing, this affects your jaw bone density, and reabsorption of the bone into the body occurs. This consequently affects your mouth function, as it becomes difficult to bite, chew, and sometimes talking becomes a challenge. Moreover, you are likely to strain the only remaining functional teeth when chewing. With a sinus lift, you can restore the integrity of your upper jaw and other functions of your mouth.
- You were born with a facial Deformity
Some congenital conditions like cleft palate affect your sinus activities. As such, a sinus lift, along with other restorative surgeries, works toward enhancing your appearance and oral function.
- You have enlarged Sinuses
Sinus enlargement can occur due to many reasons, including age and sinusitis. When this happens, the sinuses lay close to the bone and may get in the way of dental implant placement. This can cause the implants to poke into the sinus cavity. As a result, a sinus lift is ordered to treat the enlarged sinuses.
While preserving your smile and oral health is important, this might mean going through procedures like sinus lifts. The procedure, however, takes several months to heal as it has to accommodate the grated bone material that adds to jaw density. After, it is possible to perform a successful dental implant procedure since the implant will be well anchored. This prevents further bone loss and enables you to enjoy improved oral function. Your implants are customized to resemble your natural set of teeth and can last you a lifetime with proper oral hygiene.